Please contact us here for any appointments or questions:
Ambience Laser, Hair and Beauty Salon
82 Sydenham Road
Sydenham, London
SE26 5JX
Tel: 020 8778 6060
Contact us using this simple online form. Please state which treatment you would like to book and your availability. We will contact you via telephone to arrange.
This privacy policy explains how Ambience Laser, Hair & Beauty Salon protects the personal information you provide us with or that we obtain by having you as client and the choices you make when you agree to us sending you marketing communications. This explains how we do this and informs you of your privacy rights and the protection provided by law.
What information we collect about you:
We collect information about you when you book an appointment for a service or a treatment, visit the salon, buy a product or apply for a job regardless of whether or not the contact is online, on paper, by email, over the phone or in person. This information may include your name, address, email address, phone number, relevant history which may be because a treatment or service should not take place or certain products should not be used (e.g. allergies, pregnancy, skin conditions,) payment and transaction information IP address and CVs.
We operate CCTV across the premises for the safety and security of our clients and staff as well as a deterrent for the purpose of criminal activity.
For clients under the age of 16 we will only keep and use their personal information with the consent of a parent, carer or guardian.
How information about you will be used:
The law allows us to use personal information, including sharing it outside the salon, only if we have a proper reason to do so, for example:
* To fulfil a contract with you i.e. to provide a service or treatment you have requested and to communicate with you about your appointments
* When it is in our legitimate interest i.e. there is a business or commercial reason to do so, unless this is outweighed by your rights or interest
* When you consent to it, we will always ask for your consent to hold and use health and medical information.
We will therefore share your information with:
* Providers of our salon IT system (Treatwell)
* Suppliers of our web site
We have data protection and security in place with all our suppliers. Some of the people working in the salon are self-employed. Where software systems and
receptions facilities are shared, our self-employed colleagues will have access to your information. We will not share your information with any other third party without your consent except to help prevent fraud, or if legally required to do so.
We will ask for your consent to receive marketing information as we would like to send you information about products and services which may be of interest to you.
If you have consented to receiving marketing information, you may opt out at a later date. You have the right at any time to stop us from contact you for marketing purposes or giving your information to a third party suppliers or products or services. If you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes please contact us.
Retention of your information
Unless you request otherwise we will keep your information to contact you no more than 5 times per year for a maximum of 1 year from your last visit to the salon.
After a year will will archive all your personal information, except for your name, relevant client history, (e.g. allergy test records which we keep for 4 years) and financial transactions which we are obliged to keep for 6 years.
CCTV images are automatically deleted after 30 days.
Where the information is held
Your information is stored within the European Economic area on secure servers. Any payment transactions are encrypted. Sending information via the internet is not completely secure although we do our best to protect your information and prevent unauthorised access. CCTV images are held securely on site.
Access to information and right to request correction
You have the right to request a copy of the personal information we hold about you. This will normally be free of charge, unless we consider the request to be unfounded or excessive, in which case we may charge a fee to cover our administration costs.
We wish to ensure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove information you this is inaccurate. You have the right to object to our use of your personal information, or to ask us to delete, remove or stop using your personal information if there is no need for us to retain it.
We may email you to inform you about products, services, treatments and offers. You have the opportunity to ask us remove your email address from our records.
Wendy Penny is responsible for Data Protection within Ambience Laser, Hair & Beauty Salon.
Data Retention Policy
We hold personal information about:
* Clients, former clients and prospective clients
* Employees and Job Applicants
We also hold information about financial transactions relating to those service or treatments provided, products bought, payroll information, payments to self-employed individuals. Our aim is not to hold personal data longer than necessary. Unless requested by an individual, the following types of data will be held for the duration shown below, after which it will be securely deleted or destroyed.
Information Retention
Client general records 6 years
Client health records 4 years
Financial transactions, invoices and
supplier details
6 years
Employee records, contracts of
employment, changes to terms and
conditions, annual leave, training records
While employment continues and up to 6 years after employment ends.
Payroll and wage records, including
PAYE, income tax, national insurance,
sick pay, redundancy payments
6 years from the financial year end in which payments were made.
Maternity records 3 years after the end of the tax year in which the maternity pay period ends.
Job applications (unsuccessful) 4 months after notifying unsuccessful candidates.
Emails One year from the end of the month in which they were received or sent unless a longer period is relevant as above. Emails to and from ex-employees or contractors will be deleted within 4 weeks of them leaving unless these form part of the employment record – see above.
Storage of Personal Data
Personal data about clients, financial transactions and employees are held on secure systems which are backed up or held in secure electronic files which can only be accessed by authorised company personnel. Paper records are in a locked cabinet or a secure archive storage.
Deletion of Personal Data
Personal data is permanently deleted in accordance with the retention periods listed from our salon system, electronic files, and emails, paper records which are securely shredded or destroyed.
Access to personal information, correction and deletion
Contact: Wendy Penny – Ambience Laser Hair & Beauty Salon